21 august 2007

Slipp ut hunnlaksen!!!!!!

Fylkesmannen i Vest Agder oppfordrer nå alle fiskere om å sette ut igjen alle hunnfisk som blir fanget i elvene i Agder. Dette på grunn av det lave antallet laks denne sesongen i elvene. Med ressursene som brukes ved kalking, er det også viktig at fiskere er sitt ansvar bevisst.

Les mer på fylkesmannen sin side:

Release the female salmons!
The community of Vest Agder want all fishermen in the rivers to release the female salmons from now and to the end of the season.. This because of the low number of salmons in all rivers this season. And to do something for the population for the next years.......

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

This is certainly a very good proposal,but I am sure that a lot of fisherman are not able to tell the difference between a male and a female salmon.So, please,could someone point out the difference, preferable with the help of some pictures?
A very usuccessful fisherman from Austria

Anonym sa...

The male salmon will normally so late in the season, and of course after a while in the river, grow a hook in the mouth. If you see some pictures on this site, then you will see some salmons with ugly big mouth. The female have not this mouth.

Anonym sa...

Thanks for the reply and kindest regards to all norwegian fishermen from Austria