I alle fall gikk vannføringen kraftig opp i dag, noe som gjør det vanskelig for mange for å finne riktige plassen i elva. Det er ikke ofte man har en sesong som byr på så mye vann. Men mye vann hindret ikke Finn Harsem i å troppe opp med dagens fangst - laks på over 5 kilo må man være fornøyd med. Vannføringen steg kraftig i morges, og i ettermiddag gikk elva på 160m3/sek.
The weekly hour for fishermen in the river was held indoor because of the rainy weather today. Many people came to talk, mostly locals - but remember: everybody is welcome to join for a talk with others with the same interest - salmonfishing. The main subject was of course waterlevel and the energy station here....but also how to catch the salmon. During the "party", Finn Harsem came with his salmon of more than 5 kilo. The waterlevel was increasing fast this morning, and in the afternoon it was more than 160 m3/sec.
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