Det er straks september måned, og de fleste har vel sluttet å vente på flakene med smålaks nå.
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5 kommentarer:
i think this is a farmed lax
or am i wrong
Yes, you are wrong...
it has no or few signs of being a farmed salmon...
When you klic at the picture you
can see there is missing a big piece out of the center of the tail
ther is a lot of marks on the side
he is missing one finn on its belly
Then what is a farmed one look like
Wild salmon are often damaged by fishing-nets and other professional equipment in the sea.
This is very normal. a "farmed" salmon has very often round fins. and the intestants often grow togehter with the bottom and sides inside the fish...
this salmon is a wild salmon for sure. 100%!
hello this lax is made in finså klekkeri:you can see it on the missing finn."(fett finnen )" on his back whith the tail .so this fish have been ln finså about 6 months after its been born. then it had to manage himself until the fisherman took it.so its more wild fish then farmer fish
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